The Acid Creature (sometimes called the Ooze Monster) is an enemy who appears in the original Dragon's Lair, which forms out of a bottle inside the Cauldron Room and attempts to eat Dirk the Daring. Dirk dissipates its integrity with a blow from his sword and then immediately faces the Cauldron Ghost who emerges out of the bubbling cauldron. The Acid Creature's remains then expand to encompass most of the room as Dirk escapes through a nearby exit.
TV series[]
The Acid Creature appears as an enemy in the episode "The Tournament of the Phantom Knight". As Dirk, Timothy, and Bertram attempt to pass through Doom’s Marsh, the creature emerges from the bog and follows them into the Havenwood forest. Having cornered a disoriented Princess Daphne who had ventured out alone, the Acid Creature disintegrates Dirk’s Sword upon contact. Dirk defeats the Acid Creature by covering it with a wizard’s enchanted cloak, causing it to melt. By defeating the creature, Dirk rescues Daphne and earns the trust of the dwarf-like Havenwood dwellers.