Dragon's Lair Wiki

Borf's Buzzers are an enemy squadron of space ships that first appeared in the original Space Ace arcade game. The red or green x-shaped fighter ships pursue Dexter as he pilots the Star Pac deeper into Borf's space station. The game sometimes displays the point-of-view of the Buzzers' pilots, but the only distinguishing features are monstrously bony hands with long nails as they seek to lock onto Dexter's ship with their targeting screens. Using dog-fighting skills, Dexter can evade the Buzzers' targeting screens and counter them with destructive blasts from the Star Pac.

TV Series[]

The Buzzer ships serve as a primary means of transportation for Borf and his minions. Sometimes robotic minions like LeGrin fulfill piloting duties, as opposed to the mysterious organic creatures partially shown in the arcade game.


  • After defeating the Buzzers, Dexter taunts them by exclaiming "Later, space invaders", a possible creative reference to another popular arcade game franchise.


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