Carniculas are a breed of large carnivorous, weed-like monsters that first appear the Space Ace arcade game, who attempt to devour Ace when he visits the game's “Yellow Planet” stage that also features Shag and the Groots.
The weed-like creatures have purplish skin, two beady-eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth. They attempt to grab Dexter with their limbs that resemble clinging vines, but blaster shots force them to retreat and regroup.
- Magicom Promotional Kits for the arcade game identified the species as “Carnicula”, being described as “carnivorous, alien plant with creeper vines to pull in its prey.”[1]
- The Tele-Story:Space Ace book describes the monsters as "Borf's pets."
- Carnicula and Shag feature in the green-covered Space Ace promotional Don Bluth Animation Flip-Book.
- None of the creatures appear in Space Ace II: Borf's Revenge, despite Dexter visiting the stage and encountering Shag and the Groots.
- The creatures have many similarities to the three-eyed Slime Monster and the Pit Monster.