Dagda is a sorcerer who appears in the TV series episode "The Smithee's Haunted Armor", having lived quietly for many years as a fisherman. In his youth, he lived and worked together with fellow sorcerer Morrigu, but after his partner's turn to evil, Dagda kept the magical hammer of The Smithee in his beach home.
The episode's introductory narration explain that Morrigu and Dagda were a pair of ancient sorcerers who rewarded a blacksmith for his good work with a magical hammer capable of turning ordinary metal into gold in addition to a magical fire that could give life to metal and stone. Though the blacksmith prized his magical gifts, he eventually turned the objects toward evil purposes after several years. The blacksmith plotted to usurp the king's throne by creating weapons and armor, but the two sorcerers intervened, turning the blacksmith into the bronze Smithee and cursed him to forever keep watch over his magic weapons and armor until being defeated by a noble knight and released from his curse. Over time, Morrigu himself became evil as well, putting his selfish ambitions at odds with Dagda.
Many years during the reign of King Ethelred, Dirk the Daring and Princess Daphne were deceived by Morrigu into a quest to obtain the Smithee's magical hammer and armor. Morrigu led the heroes to the residence of Dagda, who had been living secretly as a fisherman. Instructing Dirk to delay the fisherman, Morrigu searched the house and stole the hammer in order to control the Smithee. Though Dirk attempts to grab and interrogate the fisherman, the knight soon realizes the strength and wisdom of the old man. Dagda revealed the truth to Dirk, explaining that Morrigu could only be defeated by his own magic. Morrigu used the hammer to call the Smithee to engage in a battle with Dirk, but the deft knight deflected a magically animated sword into Morrigu, causing him to vanish in defeat. With the Smithee also defeated and the armor having lost its magic, Dagda teleports away to resume his life as a fisherman.
- Dagda's name might be inspired by the Irish mythological figure of the Dagda known as the great god of Irish mythology and husband to the goddess Morrígan (alternatively known as "Morrigu").