Dragon's Lair Wiki

The Dust Devils are villainous characters exclusive to the Ruby-Spears Dragon's Lair animated series, who serve as loyal minions of Urisk in the episode "Song of the Wind Chimes." Together with their master, the Fire Creatures, and the Lava Men, they live inside a volcano (called "Mount Volmar") located at the base of picturesque village of Tragenna in the Southern Hills. Appearing to be sentient whirlwinds with a pair of eyes, the Dust Devils are able to fly through the air and suck up other characters into their vortex who get into close proximity.

After Urisk sends Lisrath and his Bogles to steal Tragenna's magical golden wind chimes and imprison the villagers, the Lava Men, Fire Creatures, and Dust Devils serve as deterrents against anyone who tries to enter the village or Mount Volmar. Outside Tragenna, hordes of the enemy creatures surround Princess Daphne as she searches for underground water with a magical divining rod given to her by Scisorek. Though a Dust Devil cuts off her escape routes, Daphne ducks to evade some leaping Fire Creatures, who become caught up in the Dust Devil's whirlwind vortex.

Inside the volcano, the three types of creatures try to protect Urisk from Dirk's advance, but the heroes empty a large water container to neutralize the enemies.

