Dragon's Lair Wiki

Possible Zombified Franco

Franco the Fearless was a warrior whose name is referenced by Dirk the Daring in the Dragon's Lair comics. Franco might have died prior to the events of the series and been resurrected as part of a zombie army.

As Dirk and Bertram journey through the enchanted Graveyard of Gloom on their way towards The Castle, they are attacked by an army of zombies. Dirk recognizes one of the zombies as bearing a resemblance to Franco the Fearless. The zombie swings a wooden sword at Dirk, then attempts to strangle the knight, despite gradual loss of his structural integrity during the struggle. Bertram rescues Dirk by kicking the zombie away.


  • Franco was not referenced with a title of nobility, suggesting he may not have been a traditional knight but could have had a formal burial in his uniform. Many of the knights who previously entered Singe’s Castle were slain with their remains left unburied.