Dragon's Lair Wiki

Grum is a conceptual character created to feature in Dragon's Lair: The Movie feature film presentation pitch. Grum appeared as a lackey of Mordroc in the one-minute traditionally animated presentation produced by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, being voiced by Lavalle Lee.


On July 29th, 2016, Bluth and Goldman uploaded a YouTube video announcing they had made $610,000 on their pitch's crowdfunding campaign and released an animated "Pose Test" of Mordroc speaking to their newly created character named "Grum".[1]

Character History[]

Grum is first seen inside a gloomy cavern, speaking with the evil wizard Mordroc who plots to conquer the kingdom by creating a dragon from bones of the dead mixed with a drop of his own blood. The wizard sent the winged dragon to kill the entire royal family, but the young Dirk and Daphne were hurried away to the Swamps of Despair of the Forbidden Forest, a safe location which hid them from the wizard's gaze for eight years.

In Mordroc's lair, Grum discovered Dirk in the safe house through gazing into a magical cauldron. He informed his master (now dressed in regal attire and sitting upon a throne surrounded by treasure), that the prince still lives. Fearing the prince aspires to re-take his crown, Mordroc drank a magical potion that transformed him into a deadly serpent driven with the urge to bite.


  • Grum's name is similar to Grumlets, diminutive enemy creatures which featured in the Space Ace arcade game.


