Dragon's Lair Wiki
Dragon's Lair Wiki

Havenwood is a forest in King Ethelred's kingdom which appears in the Dragon's Lair episodes "The Tournament of the Phantom Knight" and "The Tale of Dirk's New Sword". It is inhabited by dwarf-like creatures who make use of the enchanted wood from the oldest tree in the forest, also referred to directly as “havenwood.”

Dirk the Daring, Daphne and Timothy passed through Havenwood forest on their way to the Phantom Knight's castle and were helped by its dwellers, after Dirk earned their appreciation by defeating the Acid Creature of Doom’s Marsh. Dirk later used the special wood he received as a gift to defeat the Phantom Knight.

Later, the woods were invaded by Trolls from the Isle of Narg, who carried away several of its dwellers as prisoners to build Lord Narg's war device. Coming to the aid of Short Beard, Dirk defeated three trolls but broke his sword in the process. As a reward for his aid to the Havenwood Dwellers, Gray Beard created a new sword for him out of Havenwood, which he would later fortify into steel by harnessing a magical lightning bolt from the top of a mountain on the Isle of Narg.
