The Infanto Ray is the primary weapon utilized by Commander Borf in the Space Ace arcade game, with which he hopes to rule the universe. It continues to feature throughout the franchise's adaptations. It is a mounted energy projection device that has the power to de-age its targets, with a direct hit turning them into infants. An indirect hit may result in delayed or unstable results whereby the subject only de-ages partially or transforms back and forth at unpredictable moments, most notably in the case of Ace and his alter-ego Dexter.
Space Ace[]
Borf plans to use the Infanto Ray to conquer the entire planet of Earth, but Ace and Kimberly track his space ship and attempt to neutralize him. Borf hits Ace with the Ray, causing the hero to revert into his weaker alter ego "Dexter."
When Dexter and Kimberly finally reach Borf's headquarters, they are ambushed by his Grumlet guards in addition to the challenge of dodging Borf and his Infanto Ray blasts. Dexter energizes into Ace and uses a mirror to deflect a blast from the Infanto Ray back into Borf, transforming him into a harmless and friendly baby.
Space Ace II: Borf's Revenge[]
Borf's de-aging at the end of Space Ace is reversed almost immediately. Borf's remaining minions seize Kimberly and a Video Guard retrieves the infantized leader, reversing the effects of the Infanto Ray before Dexter can intervene. After being revived, Borf does not appear to continue using the Infanto Ray but rides on a flying platform while firing standard laser blasts.
Space Ace (SNES)[]
Borf appears in several cut scenes and sporadically throughout the main game, usually blasting at Dexter from the safety of his floating platform. In the game's final stage "Showdown," Dexter must evade swarms of Grumlets and Borf's Infanto Ray blasts, but in a departure from the arcade game, Ace must trick Borf into shooting the mirror multiple times before the Infanto Ray's effects transform the villain into a baby, ending the game.
Space Ace (TV series)[]
Borf appears regularly as the series' main villain, masterminding different plans in attempt to conquer the Earth, often making use of the Infanto Ray against his enemies. Throughout the series, the Infanto Ray is used on several characters in addition to Ace, including Kimberly, Borf, and Space Marshall Vaughn, although only Ace continues to suffer from erratic transformations across multiple episodes. In some episodes, Borf uses a considerably smaller version of the Ray, in the form on an orb that can fit in the palm of his hand. In the episode Age Ray Riot, an inventor named Earl of Junkit creates an Age Ray, which is sought out by Ace and Borf to reverse the Infanto Ray's effects.
Space Ace (comics)[]
Taking place immediately following the events of the arcade game, Ace continues to suffer random transformations as a result of exposure to the Infanto Ray, but no characters make further use of the Ray itself. Commander Gorf is able to restore his brother Borf to his proper age, but the two villains attempt to steal the Synchonously Dividing Matter Divider from the inhabitants of Zandoria. The Matter Divider is ultimately used against Ace, splitting him into three different physical beings representing different ages, seemingly curing him of any residual side-effects of the Infanto Ray.