Dragon's Lair Wiki

Shag is a large carnivorous monster that first appears the Space Ace arcade game, who attempts to devour Ace when he visits one of the game's stages, referred to in some manuals as "the Yellow Planet." In addition to Shag, Ace must also evade several Carniculas and the Groots.

Character Design[]

In the original game, Shag appears to be covered in orange or yellow fur and a several large warts with two large horns protruding from the top of his head which curl backwards. It has a large purple tongue, two nostrils, and several sharp teeth. Each of its hands consist of five digits, one being an opposable thumb common to primates, which allows him to grab and lift Dexter; some animation inconsistencies may change the number of its finger digits and alter the length of its fingernails, giving them a claw-like appearance in a few frames.


Shag appears in Space Ace II: Borf's Revenge, as his scene was not included in ReadySoft's original home computer port of Space Ace.

Shag appears as the featured antagonist in the 1984 Space Ace animated series episode "Calamity Kimmie."

Shag appears on the cover to one of the first issue variants of the Space Ace comic series, but he does not appear in the main storyline.


  • Magicom Promotional Kits for the arcade game described Shag as “a horned wildebeest, the most deadly monster in SPACE ACE.”[1]
  • Dexter only address the monster by name after he energizes into Ace.
  • Shag and Carnicula feature in the green-covered Space Ace promotional Don Bluth Animation Flip-Book.
  • The manual for Space Ace II: Borf's Revenge refers to Shag as "the yellow monster."[2]


