Dragon's Lair Wiki

Sir Hubert Blunt (voiced by Peter Cullen) is a knight in King Ethelred's castle and antagonistic rival of Dirk the Daring in the Dragon's Lair animated series. He covets fair Princess Daphne, however, he is not so noble of heart, as his is full of excessive pride and fear. In the first episode, he offers Daphne a portrait of himself as her birthday present, and later backs out when the knights pledge to rescue her from Cinge.

His attempts to outdo or belittle Dirk often result in his own comical comeuppance. In the episode, “Sir Timothy's Quest,” he and Timothy are taken prisoner by minions of The Lizard King. In the episode “Mirror, Mirror", Cinge uses a magical mirror to impersonate Dirk in order to besmirch the knight's good reputation. Sir Hubert Blunt influences Ethelred to cast an unfavorable judgment against Dirk against the protests of Daphne.

In the episode "The Mist of Wishes", Dirk and Blunt sneak into Cinge's lair to steal the one weapon that will destroy the dragon. Instead, the knights free a captive Puck the Elf who grants Blunt the magical power of the Mist of Wishes, allowing him to have any thing he wishes. After being manipulated by Cinge in his sleep through the power of suggestion, Blunt wishes himself to become king, magical altering history resulting in Ethelred Daphne becoming his royal servants, with no memories of their own royal heritage. In a failed attempt to overthrow Blunt, Dirk is briefly transformed into a frog through Blunt’s abuse of the Mist of Wishes. With the aid of Puck, Dirk and friends manage to reverse Blunt’s magic, restoring the monarchy's status quo. Blunt does offer aid to Dirk and Puck in forcing Cinge to retreat away from Ethelred's castle, suggesting possible remorse for his actions.


The Mist of Wishes[]
