Dragon's Lair Wiki

Snakes or Serpents are enemy creatures that appear in almost every game in the Dragon's Lair series. Though encountered mostly as inarticulate beasts, a few snakes have displayed powers of speech and enhanced intelligence, such as McCob the Cobra and the two-headed "Moe & Bro" serpent in Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp. Most attempt to eat Dirk the Daring by swallowing him whole or crushing him first by wrapping around him.



Several snakes appear as enemies inside The Castle of the original Dragon's Lair game. There is a room in which Dirk must fend off multiple snakes (red, white, and black striped varieties) with his sword and then climb out of the room on a rope before the last snake can strike him. In another stage, Dirk must submerge himself underwater to avoid a crumbling room but is ambushed by several blue snakes which attempt to wrap themselves around the knight and drown him.

In some games such as the Super Nintendo Dragon's Lair, a giant version of the red, white, and black striped snake—which appears in Dragon's Lair and Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp as an inhabitant of The Castle—even functions as a stage boss.

TV Series[]

Snakes appear as enemy creatures in the Ruby-Spears animated series. In the episode “Sir Timothy’s Quest,” several purple snakes attempt to ambush Dirk, Daphne, and Bertram by pretending to be tree vines.


In the second chapter of the Dragon’s Lair comics published MVCreations/CrossGen Entertainment, Dirk contends with two large snakes that visibly resemble the red, white, and black striped snake seen in the arcade games. Dirk stuns one of the snakes with a head butt. The other snake inadvertently swallows Dirk’s helmet, causing it to choke as it lodges in its throat. After Dirk beheads the snake with his sword, its body regrows several new heads, prompting Dirk to declare it is a Hydra Snake. Dirk tricks the new heads into swallowing each other, remarking that the two heads are only half as smart as one. Dirk finally retrieves his helmet from the original severed head.

Notable Snakes & Serpents[]

McCob the Cobra[]

A Scottish-themed serpent residing in the gold-filled cavern that once served as Singe's lair. For some reason, he is dressed as a Highlander, with a tartan bonnet and plaid. After Dirk escapes on the Time Machine, he calls Daphne's mother a thief, and she clobbers the snake with her rolling pin.
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Moe and Bro[]

During the chase involving Dirk, Eve and the Cherubs, a conjoined pair of blue and green serpents stop Dirk in his tracks. Moe is the blue snake with dots and Bro is the green snake with stripes. Whereas Bro simply wanted to eat Dirk, Moe successfully tricks Dirk into getting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Much like everyone else in the ensuing chaos, the two were also blown away by the storm.
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Mordroc (Metamorphosis)[]

In the presentation pitch for Dragon's Lair: The Movie, the wizard Mordroc seeks out the teenage Prince Dirk hiding in exile. Transforming himself into a poisonous serpent, he bites Dirk, which makes the prince lose consciousness as the teenaged Daphne pleads for him to wake up.


  • The red, white, and black striped snake is featured on the joystick panel of the original Dragon's Lair arcade cabinet, which has also been replicated in home arcade units produced by Arcade1up and New Wave Toys.
  • The red, white, and black striped snake is featured as the #30 card (“SNAKE CHARMER”) in Cardsmiths' Dragon's Lair trading card series, with the description: "This striped serpent challenge will be a tight squeeze for Dirk to slither his way out of."[1]



TV Series[]

See Also[]

Minor characters in Dragon's Lair II


  1. "SNAKE CHARMER" #30, Cardsmiths Dragons Lair Trading Cards Series 1