Dragon's Lair Wiki
Space pirates

Space pirates are a gang of space marauders or bounty hunters. They are replacing missing limbs with weapons.

Space Ace #1[]

After Ace defeated Commander Borf, he visited an alien doctor in order to solve his problem caused by Borf's Infanto Ray. While there, three pirates, ambitious to kidnap the most decorated agent of the Intergalactic Alliance, traced him and stormed the lab. One of the pirates was armed with a huge energy weapon and caused an explosion.

In the meantime Ace, affected by the Infanto Ray, had turned into his teenage self, Dexter, and pretended that their target had left for Earth. Just the Dexter became Ace again, and the pirates started firing. Ace picked up Kimberly and the doctor and stormed them away, but the pirates followed them, and one shot darts from his weapon-limb. Kimberly alerted Ace that the big pirate with the super weapon, but before he could do that, Ace picked up some sphere, hurled it into the gun's nozzle, and when he pulled the trigger, the three pirates were zapped.
